SSL Handshake Failed Error: Troubleshooting SSL/TLS handshake failures

Compare Cheap SSL
5 min readDec 20, 2020



The full form of SSL is Secure Sockets Layer. It allows a secure connection between a website and a web browser. The SSL consists of various versions like 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 which improves the quality continuously. The technology of SSL is deprecated now and TLS entirely replaces it. Transport Layer Security is referred to as TLS. It provides the security of the data similar to SSL. The people should start using this new version of SSL that is named as TLS.


The beginning of every SSL/TLS certificate starts with a handshake. This is the negotiation between two parties in which the proceeding details of work are discussed. How cipher suite encrypts their communication and also how they can use this for verifying server and establishing a secure connection? A handshake decides this. This process is very complex and you will not be able to see precisely as all this work happens in the background.


When the client and the server both agree and ready to start communication with each other through secured and encrypted SSL/TLS medium with data security then this process lye under Handshake SSL/TLS. The client and server can develop a secret communication key for encryption when they meet for the first time.

A card number with a random set of symbols establish at the time of establishing of secure connection and afterwards sent it to the server. By using the special key receiving party can encrypt the message. If any cyber-attack takes place for hacking the information, then they can only see the set of symbols and nothing else.

The SSL/TLS handshake is not only used for bank servers but it is providing protective security and privacy so that the information on the internet will be confidential and cannot spread anywhere else.


On the connection parameters, both the client and the server should agree for exchanging data such as verification of valid certificates, transferring data management, etc. This is not a very easy and simple process; instead it is a very complicated and multi-level process.

Even if only in one level of the process some disturbance came or it becomes failed then the whole SSL/TLS handshake failed and shows an error.

Possible Causes and Solutions of SSL/TLS Handshake Failure

Troubleshooting for the website owner

Mismatching of Protocol

In order to ensure the proper protection and security, SSL and TLS protocol versions are being improved with better features and remove the most vulnerable segments. Some of the people are still using the outdated version. These versions operate unsafe cipher suites and short keys.

The mobile apps or software which not updated on time, this issue comes in those mainly. The main reason for the error in the SSL/TLS handshake may be that both the client and the server support the protocol version. If you use the latest version, then this problem of error will not come while in most cases the client-server is of outdated protocol and in this case, the server will not be able to resolve the issue.

Cipher mismatch

The first and main step is creating a common ground for the communication of the client and the server. A cipher suite is used for this purpose and identifies a secure connection. At the beginning of SSL/TLS handshake a list of latest available cipher suites will be provided by the client-server.

You may face SSL/TLS handshake errors when cipher matches not found. This is the common cause of the error. The encryption protocol is used in different fields with its standards and for banks as well as industries they create and approved on their demand. In this case, the only solution is of decreasing the level of security but this may make your connection unsafe.

Wrong SSL/TLS certificate

The hostname in your SSL/TLS certificate may be incorrect and this can be the reason for facing error in SSL/TLS handshake. For this first you need to check the hostname should match with cipher suite and if not then reissue your certificate.

Also Read — How to Solve SSL Certificate with Wrong Hostname Error?

Middle Man

The SSL/TLS handshake may also cause failure when a third party is trying to attack your information and hacking it. The variants of “Man in the Middle” are a lot such as API. You need to identify who is the Middle man due to which SSL/TLS handshake showing failure.

Troubleshooting for clients

Change or update your browser

As a rule, all browsers are updated with the TLS protocol but some browsers may use the outdated version of the TLS protocol. When you use a browser for banking purpose and if it is using an outdated version of TLS protocol then it will directly reject everything and not accept anything in the old version.

In this case, you need to change your browser. Also, the browser you are using may be not up to date so update it and then start using it. This will not show any error afterwards.

Deactivate your extensions

The SSL/TLS handshake error may also come because of your plugins. Try them to deactivate one by one.

Change Wi-Fi Password

The SSL/TLS handshake failure may also be a cause due to the publicly acceptable internet network. You need to change your Wi-Fi password and don’t share it with anybody.

Clear Cache and Cookies

Try to clear your device from cache and cookies. This may also show error and handshake failure.

Correct time and date in your computer

The data of the certificate is read by the server first and it verifies it if it’s valid or not. It will show the data invalid if your time zone is not correct on your computer. This will be the reason for SSL/TLS handshake failure. You need to update the correct time and date on your computer and make sure always that they will be correct.

Expired SSL certificate

It would help if you always looked for the expiration date of your SSL certificate. The certificate average validity date is only up to 12 months. The expired SSL certificate may cause a handshake failure.



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